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AYDO & AYSE in Concert

2021-2022 Season

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AYDO & AYSE in Concert

  • The Church of the Epiphany 1317 G Street Northwest Washington, DC, 20005 United States (map)

American Youth Debut Orchestra and American Youth String Ensemble in Concert
Laura C. Wallace, conductor

AYPO’s youngest musicians perform Baroque and winter-themed works just in time for the holidays!

American Youth Debut Orchestra performs:
Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 by J.S. Bach, arr. Merle J. Isaac
”Badinerie” from Orchestral Suite No. 2 by J.S. Bach, arr. Jeremy Woolstenhulme
Ave Maria by J.S. Bach and C. Gounod, arr. Robert Longfield
”Inverno” (Scenes from Vivaldi’s Winter) by Antonio Vivaldi, arr. Todd Parrish
Let It Snow! by Jule Styne, arr. John Caponegro

American Youth String Ensemble performs:
Brandenburg Concert No. 3 by J.S. Bach, arr. Merle J. Isaac
Adagio by Thomas Albinoni, arr. Jamin Hoffman
Concerto in D Minor (the “Bach Double”) by J.S. Bach, arr. Larry Moore
Concerto Grosso Op. 6, No. 8 (Christmas Concerto) by Arcangelo Corelli, arr. Todd Parrish
Sleigh Ride by Leroy Anderson, arr. Samuel Applebaum


Each musician receives two complimentary tickets. Anyone under the age of 21, AYPO alumni, veterans, and music teachers receive complimentary tickets, as well. All other general admission tickets are $10. Tickets can be purchased at the button below and are also available for sale at the ticket table on the day of the event.

Questions about AYDO or AYSE Concerts? Reach out to

Earlier Event: November 21
AYCO & AYSO in Concert
Later Event: December 11
Flute Ensemble in Concert